Have you ever been to a party that was so crowded and so noisy that you could hardly hear yourself think… much less hear what anyone else was saying? And you had to slip and slide your way between all the tightly packed people in order to move about the room? And the whole scene was so uncomfortable that all you wanted to do was hightail it out of there?
Well, your website could be making your visitors feel the exact same way!
Some of the websites I’ve seen lately are so crowded, cluttered and jam-packed with stuff that as soon as you open a page, you want to bounce off righrt away! There’s just too much going on!
So, today, I have 4 important tips to make sure that you’re not creating that crowded, cluttered effect. Because the last thing you want is a website that scares people away! You want to be sure your website is inviting and comfortable. You want people to feel that they could stay forever! AND… you want to be sure you’re leading your website visitors to take the next step in doing business with you!
Watch the video now. It’s only 3:39 minutes and contains 4 great tips!
And let me know what you think by leaving a comment below this blog post. I always love hearing from you!