Today’s Tough Love Tuesday tip was inspired by my funny, talented Mastermind partner, Kathleen, who has been doing a lot of public speaking lately. And because she’s a smart cookie, she always passes around a hat or basket during these speaking engagements so she can collect people’s business cards for a drawing for a free gift of some kind… like one of her products or a free session with her. This is a fun way to collect people’s contact information and create a lot of good will.
But the other day she asked me, “People automatically assume that I’ll be adding them to my email list, right? I mean, they know when they put their business card into the hat that they’re going to get added. Right?”
People do not assume you’re going to add them to your email list unless you tell them that’s what you’re going to do! Don’t simply add people to your email list just because they took advantage of your free-gift drawing. Or they handed it to you at a networking event.
In today’s Tough Love Tuesday, I give you a much better way to use those business cards to establish a relationship of trust with those potential clients.