The other night while I was washing dishes, I turned on Spotify and listened to Bette Midler sing “I Love Being Here With You.” As I filled the dirty roasting pan with hot, sudsy water, I thought… Bette Midler’s not that great of a singer.
She’s not. She’s just slightly better than average.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I love Bette Midler. She’s a larger than life, energizer bunny of sass, smarts and bawdy fun. An amazing entertainer. And if I ever get the chance to see her perform live, I’ll be there in a flash… because it’s sure to be one wild ride of a show.
But her vocal ability is limited. Her tone is thin and slightly nasal. And, at times, her voice can be downright irritating. Yet… here I am, digging her bouncy arrangement of this good old tune, singing along with her in my kitchen, and loving every minute of it.
Because even though Bette may not be the best singer in the world, there’s one thing she’s really good at. First rate. World class.
And that’s being Bette.
She’s extraordinary at being (and sharing) who she is.
In fact, she’s made a fortune at it!
Whether I like her voice or not, I adore her. I’ll listen to her version of “I Love Being Here With You” over someone else’s because her spunk, playfulness and wicked sense of humor come shining through every note and phrase.
Who she is, and how she brings her whole self and her zany personality to a song is what makes her magnetic, irresistible and, well… a star!
Last week, I did a Facebook Live in my Copy Confidence group on how to put more of you in your copy. Because in this overcrowded online world where everyone is bombarded with so much sameness, so many well-written but boring emails, ads, blog posts, and webpages, so much blah-di-blah, your best shot at standing out from the crowd, getting noticed, and attracting your own tribe of diehard fans is by leveraging the one thing no one else has.
You. Your voice. Your personality. Your perspective. Your one-of-a-kind-ness.
This is why, just like Bette, you’ve got to pour your personality into what you create so it shines with the energy and uniqueness of you.
But how do you do that?
Here are 3 tips to get you started:
3 Easy Ways to Put More You in Your Copy
1. Start Wild
To liberate your true voice and let more of you into your copy, you need to start wild.
When you sit down to write your first draft, let go of any need to “get it right,” or create the perfect little masterpiece. Instead, tell your inner editor, your grumpy inner critic, and your inner productivity manager to take a hike. A long one. Because you are going to put pen to paper and let whatever comes to you out onto the page.
Yes, you want to have a clear idea of what you want to say and why. But that’s all you need.
Then, just start writing. Let the words fall out the way they want to fall out. Keep your hand moving across the page. Don’t try to get it right. Don’t try to write the perfect piece. Don’t try anything! Just write… and write wild!
When you write wild and free in this way, you give your authentic voice the space to show up and roam, romp and roar!
Later, you can invite your editor back into the room to help you cut, trim, delete, add or whatever. But no editing while writing! That’s a surefire way to shut down your creativity and shut out your true, wild voice.
2. Cop an Attitude
I have a friend who’s a fabulous copywriter, and every time she sits down to write, she imagines she’s dressed to the nines with her long red hair curled loosely about her face, her best perfume sprayed sparingly around her neck and shoulders, as she sits at an upscale bar in New York City with her long legs crossed. One of her high-heeled feet bounces slightly to music as she flirts with the handsome man sitting next to her.
She imagines this (as she sits at her computer still dressed in her ratty flannel pajamas) to get herself in a playful, seductive mood. To get into the vibe of expressing herself in an irresistible, effervescent way. This helps her write copy that is electric, mesmerizing and oozing with a magnetic energy that is 100% her.
Now, you don’t have to turn yourself into a sexy siren to write irresistible copy. Instead, you can simply tap into what you feel and believe about whatever you’re writing about and let that energy feed you the words you need.
For instance, if you’re writing about something that pisses you off, tap into that anger and write angry! Who you are when you’re angry will come through. That energy will free your voice and let your you-ness hit the page.
If you’re excited or joyful about what you’re writing about, amp up that joy and ride it! Who you are when you’re excited will show up in your words.
If you’re writing about something meaningful and moving, let yourself drop into your heart and write what your heart wants to say.
And if you’re blasé and bored by whatever you’re writing about, stop writing and pick a different subject. Because if you’re bored, your reader will be, too.
3. Swap Out Concepts for Details
Both of the tips above will help you write first drafts full of creative fire and personality. But how do you add more “you” when your first draft is pretty much written?
Is there a way to go back and squeeze in more of you?
Yes. There is. I do it all the time.
Here’s how.
As you read your draft, circle any words or phrases that are vague, generalized or just plain lazy.
For instance, words like… success. Transformation. Connection. These words don’t really communicate anything because they’re so conceptual and without image or detail.
So what you want to do is swap out those vague words with phrases that actually paint a picture… words you might use when you’re blabbing to a friend. Let me give you an example.
If you were a money coach and your copy sounded something like this:
“When we work together, we’ll transform your money mess into lifelong financial stability…” you just used a lot of words that state the promise of your work, but don’t communicate what you’re trying to say with much personality or punch.
Instead… strip out the conceptual words and get down to specifics:
“When we work together, you’ll get out of debt in a matter of months while building a savings for those dream vacations or your kid’s college tuition. You’ll always know how much money is coming in and how much is going out so you can make smart choices… and still have plenty to spend on your morning cappuccinos, monthly gym membership and weekly manicures.”
Can you see how this second bit of copy is more personal and alive? How it shows the transformation instead of plunking down the word “transformation” and hoping the reader can fill in the blank?
Any time your copy sounds a bit dry and dusty, swap out vague, conceptual words with details that paint a picture.
One more thing: when you put more of you in your copy, it makes the writing process much more fun! You’re less uptight about trying to get it right or sound a certain way.
You get to have your say, and do it in your own way.
So, take a tip from Bette. The more “you” you put into what you create and do, the more easily your fans can find you, fall in love with you and follow you forever.
And if you need more tips and fun ways to infuse more “you” in your copy, or if you could use some sage advice on how to immediately engage your ideal clients with every word you write, let’s talk! Schedule a free Copy Confidence Clarity Call and we’ll make your copy sing circles around Bette Midler.