Hey, are you feeling so overwhelmed with everything you’ve got to do each day that you don’t have time for all those great business-building activities you know would grow your business?
Maybe you’re still working a job while trying to get your own business off the ground.
Or you’re so slammed with the day-to-day stuff that no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to make progress on all those great ideas and projects you have in mind.
And those all-important marketing tasks that would help you hop to the next level get pushed to the back burner… where they sit and stew forever!
If this sounds like you, watch this video! Because I have a tip for you!
Here it is:
Every day, choose ONE THING – one task, action step or activity – that will move your business forward or allow you to make progress on that project you keep pushing aside. One thing. And it can be a small thing. Like one phone call to someone who could help you. One email to get an answer you need. One paragraph in that book you want to write. Go to one networking meeting. Talk to one new prospect. Edit one page of your new website. Just one thing.
Commit to one thing that feels doable on that given day. Some days, you may be able to take on a larger chunk of work than others. But nevertheless, everyday, choose to do one thing.
Hey, you can do one thing a day… no matter how busy you are! And by doing so, you will have 7 things done by the end of the week! And 30 done by the end of the month. And 365 by the end of a year. That’s a lot!
Do one thing a day, and you’ll make progress. And you’ll feel so much better about your business and your future.
Hey, and let me know what “one thing” you’ll do today by making a comment below this post. I’d love to know!