Here’s Your Quick, Kick-Ass Copy & Content Creation Tip for This Week!
Don’t be so friggin’ boring!!
Sorry to put it so bluntly, but dang! You’ve got a lot of great information to share. You know a lot! And when you write an article of blog post, you pack it full of tasty, high value tidbits that your clients (or potential clients) want to gobble up.
But the problem is, they can’t take in all of your delicious content because… it’s so BORING!
Now, let me be clear.
YOU are not boring.
But the way you are presenting your extensive knowledge and expertise is, well, um.. sometimes kind of boring. It starts to sound a bit like a Masters thesis. Or an article in Scientific American. Or something the character Hal in 2001: A Space Odyssey would write.
So let’s get you writing in a way that will engage your audience, communicate your expertise, and keep your audience eager for more!
The above video contains two tips that will help you create copy and content that is a lot more readable, engaging and fun to create!
Here’s your first tip: Write Like You Speak
I’ve said it before, and I’m going to say it again! Write as if you are sitting across the table from your ideal client and talking with him or her. What would you say? How would you say it? Let your writing be as casual, comfortable and personable as a conversation!
Tip Number Two: Put Your Personality Into It!
You know that old phrase from the TV program, Dragnet, “Just the facts, ma’am”? (Oh, man! Now I’m really dating myself!) Well, that may work for police officers, but not for online content creators.
Don’t just churn out one dry fact after another. Yes, I know you are sharing valuable stuff. But infuse your voice, your personality, into that sharing! You do that naturally when you speak, so do it when you write!
Actually, if you write like you speak, your personality will shine through.
That’s it for this week’s Quick, Kick-Ass Copy & Content Creation Tip. If you want some help “un-borifying” your content, start by downloading the free 5-Step Forumula, “Transform Your Website Into a Client Attraction Machine.” While it focuses on creating irresistible content for your website, you can easily apply the Formula when creating all your copy and content.