Do you suffer from Entrepreneurial Schizophrenia?
Are you trying to be too many things to too many groups of people?
Most creative entrepreneurs are multi-talented and highly capable of offering a lot of different services to a lot of different types of people. And while this can be considered a “good” thing in some circles, it makes it extremely difficult for you to become known as the go-to expert in your field.
Think about it.
If you’re trying to market to a lot of different people who have a lot of different problems, your marketing is going to be all over the place! Your message will be so diffuse, vague and watered-down this it will have little to no impact.
For instance, if you’re a nutritional coach, there are a lot of different people you can serve. Like the elderly who don’t get much exercise, or children who love junk food, or busy moms who don’t have time to cook highly nutritional meals. But if you try to market to all these groups, and position yourself as the expert in all these different areas, not only will your marketing stink, it will be next to impossible for you to become known for any of them!
Nor will you be able to articulate what it is you do, other than to say “I’m a a nutritional coach”.. and that kind of message is so dang forgettable that no one will be able to keep you in mind much less refer others to you.
Niche it down! Decide which specific group of people you serve and how you serve them. Focus on one group of people with a specific set of issues or problems. NOT a bunch of different groups of people all of which have a lot different problems.
And don’t come crying to me, saying, “Oh, I don’t want to exclude anybody!” You’re not excluding anybody. You’re simply focusing your marketing, your message and your services to one specific audience so you can become known as the expert in that area. And once you are, you can then choose to market to another group of people, and another, and another. But first, get known for being the problem-solver for one specific type of person.
When you do, all of your marketing will become easier, clearer and much more powerful… because you now know who you are talking to and what to say! And when you’re message is that focused, it is sure to make a direct hit in the minds and hearts of those you’ve chosen to serve.
If you need some help narrowing down your market and getting over your Entrepreneurial Schizophrenia, leave a note here, in the comment section below, and let’s see if we can help you become known as THE expert in your field!