Do you have something you love to do, or feel called to do, yet you never seem to have enough time to DO it?
I’m talking about “that thing” you care about, think about, maybe even dream about, like that book you want to write, that project you want to finish (or start!), that hour of piano practice, that painting you want to do, or that yoga class you’ve been meaning to take.
The reason I’m asking is because this past month, I launched a new project that may suit you to a tee! It used to be called The Firecracker One Hour a Day, 30-Day Challenge (what a ridiculously long title!) but now it’s called, “Just An Hour.” Here’s how it works:
For the next 30 days, starting April 1, make a commitment to devote “just an hour” a day to something that’s important to you, something that feels ripe and ready for a breakthrough. It could be writing that book of yours, or practicing Tai Chi, playing piano, cleaning out the garage, revising your marketing plan, or being with your family…. that project that’s always calling to you yet you never seem to have enough time or energy to move it ahead.
Once you know what it is and you’re ready to commit to it, leave a comment here, on this blog post, telling me what you’re committed to and I will do everything I can to support you. Plus, you will be invited to join the private Facebook group where you and I are our fellow “Just An Hour” comrades can encourage, support and share with one another.
A small group of creatively driven folks and I did this just last month, and we got so much out of it! Via the Facebook group, we were able to share our successes as well as those times of resistance, encourage each other and keep each other accountable. The results were amazing! People experienced all kind of unexpected gifts and surprises by giving “just an hour” to whatever project they chose. Some comments were:
“I spent the hour long drive home focusing on breathing and vowels. I was in the zone. It was fabulous. Now I’m turning my attention to writing…Thanks Nancy! I’m back in the saddle again.”
“For the first time in many, many months I am actually AHEAD of schedule. So, this is great. Can we do this every month? :)”
“So I started my day with an hour of writing. It was very freeing and I felt empowered. I didn’t write anything worth keeping, but it didn’t matter. I just wrote. Now I’m going to sing a bit before bed. Got to love it!”
“An unexpected outcome today… I had a long phone conversation with my son. He talked about struggling to give himself time to be creative and pursue his muse. We now have a pact to check in with each other–a sort of group within the group…This thing is reaching into unexpected places. YEA!”
“Three pages of lyrics, a rough bass track and a rough drum track. The lyrics were the biggest breakthrough. Not too shabby for one hour. And it’s only day 3. :)”
“Sometimes the gifts you get are simply not the gifts you expected. THIS makes my soul sing!! Here’s to a wonderful odyssey of your own, everyone.”
“Just did my writing, thanks to you all, especially Nancy! Yeah, those “loser” voices…I am nice to them and say, “thank you so much for sharing. I just don’t need you right now.” Have a great day!”
So, what about you? Are you ready to commit just one hour a day, for 30 days, to that thing that is calling you? That project, practice or goal you’d love to dig into on a regular basis because you know it would not only feel good but it would take you to another level of satisfaction, joy or excellence.
Say “yes” to yourself. Join us for “Just An Hour” and see for yourself the difference it will make in your life.
Leave a comment here. Tell me what your hour will be devoted to for the month of April, and I’ll invite you to the “Just An Hour” Facebook group. If you’re not on Facebook (Really? You gotta get on Facebook) I will keep in touch with you via email. Either way, you will receive the support, encouragement and energy you need to do this thing!