This is the second installment of a 3-part video tutorial “The Missing Ps: How to take your copy from just okay to Ooo la la! The first video of this series can be found here.
If your copy is coming off a little dull or dreary… or it just doesn’t have the oomph to make a powerful impression, chances are really, really good that it needs a big injection passion, energy, and excitement. In today’s video tutorial, I’ll show you how to tap into your passion for your message and infuse that spark and sizzle into your copy.
Check it out now.
Last time, in Video One, we talked about the first P which was your promise, and how to perk up your promise so it gets people excited about the possibilities that you offer. Today, we’re talking about the second P which is passion. We’re going to talk about how to pump up your passion.
If your copy is coming off a little dull or dreary, or it just doesn’t have the oomph to make a powerful impression, chances are really, really good that it needs a big injection of you – your passion, your energy, your excitement for what you’re talking about. If you’re just plastering up sentence after sentence without being tapped in and connected to how you feel about what you’re sharing, your copy is going to have a bad case of boring.
So ask yourself, why am I writing this? Why is it important to me? Why is it important to my client? What meaning does it have for me? Why should I care? Why should my client care?
When you ask these questions and answer them, it will help you tap in to the energy, the passion, the commitment, the desire you have around this message. It’ll help you tap into that hot molten core of energy that you need to infuse into your copy. And then ask yourself, how can I express more of this energy, this passion, this motivation in my copy?
Now I am not saying that you need hyped up, over-caffeinated copy that’s full of woo-hoo, hey-hey, rah-rah. No, I am not saying that at all. What I am saying is that if your copy’s lacking a little punch and pizazz, it could be that you just weren’t connected to your honest, authentic reason for writing it in the first place. You weren’t hooked into your why – why you’re sharing this. You left out you. So, all you have is an empty ghost of a message.
To fix it… tap in, tune in, turn on, and reconnect to that energy, that excitement, that passion you feel for whatever it is you’re sharing. If you don’t care about what you’re writing about, no one else is going to care. So, if you’re writing with a lifeless, disinterested attitude, your copy is sure to flatline and fail to make an impact on anyone.
So reconnect. Tap in. Remember why you’re writing this message in the first place. Why do you care? Why should your clients care? Pump up your passion for this message, for your clients, for your business, for what it is that you want, and let that energy infuse your words, infuse your copy. Let that energy guide you.
And hey, if you’ve got some copy that’s just not coming together the way it should, or the way you feel it could, or you have some copy that’s just not converting, come talk to me. Let’s schedule a free 15-minute Copy Confidence Clarity Call and, together, we’ll shake down your copy and give it the spunk and soul and sizzle it needs to get people interested, to cut through the noise, attract your ideal clients and get them clamoring for what it is you have to offer.