Sometimes, when everything seems to be falling apart, you just need to let it fall apart.
When what was once strong and sure is crumbling to the ground,
When what you’ve held dear is dissolving,
When what you thought would thrive and grow seems to be dying….
There’s only one thing to do.
Let go and let it fall apart.
Loosen your weary, white-knuckled grip that’s been trying to hold it all together, and let it all drop, scatter, and roll in pieces across the floor.
I know your first instinct is to fight, to be tenacious, to believe that if you try hard enough, you can collect those scattered, slippery pieces and mold them back together again, force them into something familiar, something that might possibly work.
And sometimes, that can be a noble move.
But if you’re desperately trying to hold on to the familiar out of fear, not love… if you’re holding on because you’re afraid of the unknown, because you’d rather cling to what you know, even if it’s not ideal, … then let go. Let it fall apart.
Not in resignation but in the faith that something new wants to be born, wants to come into being. And the only way it can is to obliterate what already is.
Sometimes, when everything is falling apart, that’s exactly what needs to happen. As someone reminded me lately, it’s not happening to you, it’s happening for you. It’s asking you to let go of old ways, old forms, old attachments in order to bring forth what you really want, what you’ve been asking for. It’s scary because you can’t see beyond the old to what wants to come to you.
You can only see what you’ve known, not what’s coming.
It takes faith. To let it all crumble. It takes trust in the fact that what’s dying is doing so for you, not against you. And that something new and more magnificent is being born.
If that faith is hard for you to muster right now, I hold that faith for you. Don’t be afraid to let that which is falling apart fall all the way to the ground and be swept away. And then keep your head raised and your eyes open and your heart clear so that which is next can show itself to you.
If you need support, I’m here.