Ah, yes, it’s Tough Love Tuesday.
But today, my Love for you ain’t gonna be so tough.
Because I know you’ve been feeling a tad stuck. Frustrated. Maybe even a teeny-weeny bit depressed. For whatever reason, you can’t seem to get moving. Yes, you have plans and goals. But it’s as if you’ve run out of creative juice. And you’re starting to doubt your every move. You’re not sure what step to take next, or if any step is really going to work out for you.
And you’re afraid. Afraid that you’ll be stuck in this “no way out” zone forever. Afraid that if you take action, if will be the wrong action. Afraid that you’ll pour all your energy, time and money into this dream of yours and in the end, it won’t pan out.
Well, you know what? That’s okay. Where you are right now feels like crap, I get it. But it really is okay to just BE there for now.
“But That’s Not What They Tell Me!”
Yeah, I know. As an entrepreneur, you’re told to go, go, go! Take action! Keep moving! Don’t make excuses! Do what no one else is willing to do… and then do more!
Well, darling, that’s a whole lot of hogwash.
The truth is that neither you nor I are meant to be shifting into overdrive and at full speed every single day. As human beings, and especially as creative entrepreneurs, we’re not built to be completely inspired and enthused every second, every day. That’s like expecting a tree to be bright and bushy with neon-green leaves all year long!
There’s a reason trees lose their leaves and go fallow during the winter. So they can rest and suck up the juice they need to really show off come spring.
You need the same. Time to go fallow. To produce nothing. To take in, rather than give out.
You may feel like you “should” be doing something. Making progress. Meeting your own deadlines. Kicking ass and taking names.
But if you’re out of juice, if you’re not feeling inspired and aligned with your goals and actions, then, hello! It’s time for you to stop, refuel and reconnect with those things that feel your creative soul.
And wait. Just friggin’ wait.
Don’t take action until you feel aligned with that action. Don’t take action just because everyone around you is telling you to. Try to make friends with where you are, and trust that if you wait, you will be led to the right action at the right time. Then, your next step will be obvious and easy. But if you force yourself to “do” when you’re unsure, uninspired and full of doubt, if you take action just because you’re “supposed to,” you’re guaranteed a long hard struggle ending in less than satisfying (or profitable) results.
And that, my friend, is your Tough Love Tuesday tip. Pass it along to anyone you know who may need to hear it. Or share it on Facebook, Twitter and the like. Or just let me know your thoughts by leaving a comment below. Always good to hear from you!