Everyone’s got one these days.
And if you don’t have one, you better get yourself one… right quick!
I’m talking about that fabulous free “something” you offer on your website or opt-in page. You know, that “something” (like a special report, audio program, video series) that’s supposed to entice people to opt-in, get on your email list and start falling in love with you and everything you offer.
So, how’s that working out for you?
Are you getting tons and tons of opt-ins to your email list? If so, you can stop reading right now. Keep doing whatever you’re doing and don’t change a thing.
But if you, like so many entrepreneurs these days, aren’t getting hundreds upon thousands of people signing up for your free offer, stick around. Because there is something you can do right now to change that.
Change the title or name of your offer.
An irresistible title can be the difference between 2 opt-ins per month to 200 per week.
First, I’m going to assume that your free offer is already great. Packed with good, valuable information. If it’s not… if it’s just so-so, well, then you have another problem, which is that people may download your offer and be so underwhelmed that they’ll never choose to invest real money in your services.
But if your offer is sweet, then one of the primary reasons people may not be opting-in is the title of your offer just doesn’t speak to them. Your title isn’t doing a good job of conveying all the goodness inside!
So, let’s fix that.
Speak To The Stomach-Clenching Need
Your title is like a headline; it has to grab people’s attention and spark their immediate interest. To do that, you have to speak to what’s most important, even urgent, to your ideal client.
For example, if your offer is an mp3 of affirmations to calm body, mind and soul, don’t call it that! Even if your ideal client is a hyped-up nervous wreck, he or she can easily say “later!” to a recording of affirmations.
Instead, let your title speak directly to their most urgent need. Like:
Stop Feeling Anxious and Know Inner Peace Now!
See, no one wants 10 affirmations. They want relief. They want something that will help them right now. Your title has to let them know they will get what they need and get it quick.
Busting With Benefits
Whether your offer addresses an urgent need, like how to stop being a nervous wreck, or a more long-term problem, like attracting enough clients, your title should shine a spotlight on the most irresistible, yummy benefits of your free offer.
Let’s say you have a special report on how to cure chronic procrastination. You could call it, 5 Steps to Cure Chronic Procrastination, and that may entice a few folks to opt-in.
But if you gave that report a title that communicates the more juicy, emotional benefits, you will get much better results. Something like…
5 Easy Ways to Get It Done Today… and Still Have Time to Play.
Number It
I don’t know why it is, but people tend to be drawn to titles that have numbers in them. Like, 5 Tips to.. blah, blah, blah. Or, The 3 Biggest Mistakes Most Entrepreneurs Make When… blah, blah, blah.
So, if you can, include numbers in the title of your free offer.
Don’t Be Afraid to Go Long
One of the reasons your title is so dang important is that it is usually the only piece of copy you have to communicate its value. Most opt-in offers are published in the upper right-hand corner of your website or smooshed up into your header. This doesn’t give you a ton of space to write about all the benefits contained in your offer.
Your title has to do all the work here, so don’t be afraid to write a long one. Like 10 Sure-Fire Steps to Close the Sale Every Time… Even If You HATE Selling.
Now, use your common sense here. You don’t want a title that’s 20 words or more. But don’t be afraid to use 15 words. Just be sure to make ‘em count!
This Will Only Take a Second
When we want something, we want it now! Especially if we’re suffering or struggling with some issue that’s really messing with our state of mind or finances or physical health and well-being.
So, if appropriate, the title of your free offer should promise immediate relief. Or an immediate solution to whatever is stumping your ideal client.
For instance, let’s say the title of your opt-in offer is something like “5 Secrets to Beat Fatigue and Boost Your Energy.” Not bad. But it becomes a lot more irresistible when you add “In 5 Minutes or Less.”
5 Secrets to Beat Fatigue and Boost Your Energy In 5 Minutes or Less.
After reviewing these tips you may realize that it’s not just the title of your offer but the offer itself that may need work. That’s okay.
Tweak what you have now. Change the title, at least, so that it stirs your ideal client’s desire. And then start thinking and planning what else you might offer to immediately address your client’s most urgent need.
And of course, if you want help creating a fabulous free offer or making the title more irresistible, be sure to leave a comment below or set up a free 15-minute strategy session. Let’s make your ideal clients clamour for what you’ve got to offer!