If you’re struggling to come up with a marketing message that powerfully expresses what you do and why it’s valuable, or if your current message isn’t getting you the results you want, pay attention! Because here is the number one reason your marketing message could be missing the mark.
That number one reason is this: you haven’t fully committed to your ideal client. You haven’t gotten clear on who that person is.
Or you keep changing your mind. “Well, I think I want to work with women CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies. Or, uh, maybe not. No, I think I want to work with stressed-out moms. Or maybe teenage ballerinas!” Arrrrgh! Hey, you have to decide, commit and get clear on who you serve! You have to know who that person is, what matters to him or her, what he or she needs, wants and dreams of. Otherwise, you will always have a murky, muddy marketing message that resonates with no one!
Now, you may be clear on the demographic of your ideal client. You may know she’s a woman in her late 40’s with children at home who works part-time and lives in Kansas City, Missouri. But you have to know your client’s psychographics as well. What she feels, thinks about, worries about, cares about. Her “personality, values, attitudes, interests and lifestyle.”
When you really know your ideal client, your marketing message will be so much easier to create, and it will be 100-times more powerful. You’ll know to whom you are speaking, who you are trying to reach, touch and inspire to action.
Right now, you’re trying to write a message that is inclusive of too many different types of clients, and, as a result, your message is falling flat and reaching no one.
So, get clear and commit to your ideal client!
If you need help with this, or if you want some strategic steps for creating a marketing message that will resonate with your ideal client, please sign up for my free 5-Step Formula, “Transform Your Website Into a Client Attraction Machine.” The first chapter of the eBook as well as the first video session of that Formula is all about getting clear on your ideal client!
So, whether you are writing your overall marketing message, your elevator speech, your website or a salespage, the first part of this Formula will help you write a message that connects deeply with your ideal client. So go get it!
If you have questions about any of this, or if you want me to review your marketing message, please leave a comment here, just below this blog post. Or you can contact me here. Either way, let’s make sure you have a marketing message that resonates and inspires your ideal clients.