Today’s Tough Love Tuesday is inspired by all of the entrepreneurs who are struggling to communicate the value of their product or service. You’re doing your best, I know, but you’re falling a tad short when it comes to drilling down to the yummiest, most irresistible benefits of your offer. You’re pretty good at listing the different features or qualities of your offer. And you aren’t shy about telling people what they need.
But what your clients and potential clients want to know is… what do they get? What will they experience in their life, their finances, their health, their relationships or their career that they aren’t experiencing now? What are the short term and the long term results they will get when they invest in you orĀ your service?
THAT’S what you need to communicate. You need to drill down to the core emotional benefits, the ones your clients crave.
For example, let’s say you have a new coaching program. And one of its many features is that it gives people the tools and processes they need to make wise decisions. Great. But just stating that isn’t enough. You need to keep drilling down from there by asking, “So, what will my clients experience as a result of being able to make wise decisions? What will they experience mentally, emotionally, physically… even spiritually?”
You need to communicate that emotional, sensual pay-off.
For instance, once you know how to make wise decisions, you’ll never again be tossing and turning all night long wondering if you’re doing the right thing. You’ll charge into each day with a renewed sense of purpose and direction, confident that your actions are sure bring positive results. You’ll have more time and energy because you won’t be stalled in endless second-guessing. People will start to look to you and trust your choices because of your confidence and self-assurance.
See what I mean? These are the kind of benefits you want to be talking about when you’re telling people about your offer. Don’t be afraid to dig down to the greater emotional pay off by asking “So what?” and adding “so that.” For instance, if you write down “you’ll receive the tools and processes you need to make wise decisions,” silently say to yourself “so that…” and see what comes. So that you always know the right choice to make. So that you’re never confused about what to do.
Got it?
So, that’s your assignment this week. Dig down to those super juicy, rich benefits. Talk about what you client will experience, the results they will get when they invest in your offer.
And if you have questions, be sure to leave a comment below and we’ll work on it together.