This past week, I spoke with so many entrepreneurs who were feeling overwhelmed, confused and uncertain of their choices. Others were feeling frustrated and unhappy with the results they were getting from certain projects they’d launched. And all of them were listening to way too many people.
Hey, it’s only natural to reach out and get advice when you’re feeling unsure or undone. It’s natural to crave an answer, a solution. And if you’re not trusting yourself, for whatever reason, it’s understandable that you’d look outside of yourself for that answer.
But by asking for the advice of others and listening to way too many people – like your friends, Mastermind buddies, coaches and the like – you’re only making it harder to know your own truth and hear your own voice. You’ve got everyone else’s opinion and advice bouncing around in your head, and it’s adding to your confusion, frustration and insecurity.
So, stop it!
Shut off the rest of the world. Shut off all those voices. Go off on your own and get reconnected to your own inner knowing. To your own truth. To your own voice. (My friends over at Urban Breath have a great process for doing just that. Check it out here.)
Do this first! Get reconnected to yourself, your true self, first. Remember who you are and why you do what you do… and what you want for yourself. Plug into that energy first, and listen to your own knowing, your own voice.
Then, you will know what to do next. And the action you take will be fully aligned with what’s right for you.
Am I saying not to reach out to experts and coaches and friends?
I’m saying to get reconnected to your own knowing FIRST! Listen to your own inner wisdom, first! Then, you’ll know who to reach out to and what to ask.. And when you hear what they have to say, you’ll be able to discern whether that course of action is right for you.
So, that’s your Tough Love Tuesday tip for this week.
But before I sign off, I’ll leave you with a quote from a man who always followed his own inner knowing.
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” — Steve Jobs