I was talking to a talented entrepreneur who told me things weren’t going so well in her business because she hates marketing.
Oh, no. You did NOT just say that!
If I hear oneĀ more entrepreneur tell me they hate marketing, I think I will scream!
Because here’s the ugly truth. If you say you hate marketing, what you’re really saying is that you hate your clients. You hate connecting with then and sharing what it is you do. And in some subtle way, you must actually hate the work you do.
Because the real truth it that all good marketing is simply about finding creative, effective ways for you to connect with those you were meant to serve, to listen to them and pay attention to what they need most right now, and then figure out how your services or skills can help them.
In a very real way, your marketing is how you reach out, take someone’s hand, give them a lift up and help them get to where they want to go. Marketing is the way you connect with those who need what you’ve got. It’s about creating (and strengthening and honoring) your relationship with those people.
When you say you hate marketing, perhaps what you meant to say is that you hate being aggressive or pushy. You hate asking for the sale. You hate tooting your own horn as if to say, “Hey, look at me! Ain’t I great?”
But that’s not marketing. Real marketing is all about connecting, listening and having conversations, whether virtual or actual, that allow people to get what they need and want. It’s about creating trust and developing relationships that last a lifetime!
And you know what’s super cool? There are so many different ways that you can connect with those people who need and want what you’ve got to offer! You can pick and choose which ways feel the most authentic and easy for you!
If you love talking to large groups or teaching, you can do public speaking or teleclasses. If you prefer talking to people one-on-one, you can do so at networking events… or through email or video marketing. If you love to write, you can blog, comment on other blogs and drive traffic to your website through article marketing. The possibilities are quite endless.
I had a friend back in California who, in an effort to do things “right,” started a series of breakfast presentations where he would invite potential clients to come to a free breakfast and hear a short presentation about his services. He slaved over that presentation, created a slew of professional PowerPoint slides, and tried to practice his nervousness away. And people came to his breakfast, ate bagels and cream cheese, drank coffee and listened as he gave his presentation. And he even got a client or two.
But he never felt that great about it. After awhile, he got bored with giving the same presentation over and over again.
Then one day he said to me, “You know, I’m just going to throw parties. I love throwing parties. And when I do, I find I talk to everyone there, have a great time and I always end up meeting someone who needs my services or knows someone who does.” I told him that was a great idea, that he could make parties his primary marketing tool!
Just like my friend, I know you can find your own way to fall in love with marketing. I know you can! And I’m here to help you. Think about what comes naturally to you, what you love to do. How can you use that as a way to connect with those you are meant to serve?
If you’re drawing a blank and you really can’t think of a thing, leave a comment below this post and let’s figure this out together. Or if you’ve found your way to fall in love with marketing, please share that as well. It could give others some great ideas.