I realize the hot topic of discussion is no longer New Year’s goals, resolutions and plans. No, we’re moved on to other things, like the Inauguration of the President, football playoffs and which movies to see before the Academy Awards on February 24.
But before we let go of the New Year’s theme altogether, I want to ask you one question, and then share a little secret formula to dramatically increase your ability to realize your goals and plans for this year.
And it has nothing to do with will power, time management or delegation skills.
What Will You Allow Yourself to Have This Year?
All too often, our goal-making, intention-setting and planning is completely focused on what we intend to do or achieve.
“I’m going to work out every other day for 30 minutes.”
“I’m going to write 1,000 words of my new book every day.”
“I’m going to blog 3 times a week.”
“I’m going to create a new coaching program…
and get 100 new clients to sign up for it.”
And these are all great and worthy goals.
But here’s what’s a little stinky about this approach to creating your goals: it keeps you completely focused on “doing” rather than “having.”
It also leaves you with a big long list of “to-do’s.” And while this list could be super-inspiring, it could also feel pretty darned overwhelming. So overwhelming that you might lose your inspiration and energy around those “to-do’s” and end up resisting them. Maybe even dreading them.
But the biggest problem with these lists of “to-do’s” is they leave out the best part, which is how you will feel, what you will to experience and who you will be as a result of accomplishing these goals.
So, here’s what I propose instead.
Switch your focus from what you want to accomplish or do,
to what you want to have, feel and experience this year.
What will you let yourself have this year? What will you allow into your experience?
Answer these questions first, then let your “to-do’s” evolve naturally from what you want to experience.
When you start with what you want to have, how you want to feel and what you want experience, your “to-do’s” will not only evolve naturally, they will be more in-tune with what you really want (rather than what you think you should want), what you value and the creative energy you need to let it all happen.
(Check out the Tip #1 in this video “New Year, Schmoo Year.” It will help you get into that feeling of having what you want now!)
So, instead of stating a goal as, “I want to blog 3 times every week”, you might instead feel it this way:
“This year, I’m going to let myself experience the joy and creative thrill of consistently publishing some really great content and enjoy the comments and conversations that come my way as a result.”
Instead of stating your goal like this: “I will work out every other day for 30 minutes,” you might instead let yourself feel:
“I am so going to enjoy feeling healthy, energized and fit in my body every day this year.”
Can you see how by getting clear on the experience you want to have, rather than the tasks or goals you want to accomplish, you tap into the energy and power of your desire, your values and even the “why” behind each of your goals?
Focus on what that goal will give you at a deep feeling level. How will accomplishing that goal transform your business or rearrange the molecules in your body or shift your perspective or change your self-image or expand what you think is possible?
If you’ve already made some goals and plans for this year, go back and review them with this new approach in mind. Ask yourself why this goal important to you. What is it that you want to have or experience as a result of accomplishing this goal?
Is it a profound sense of peace and prosperity? The joy of being in the creative flow? The satisfaction of ending every day knowing it’s been productive? The thrill of holding your published book in your hand? The fun and connection of working with new clients who love what you have to offer and love paying you well for the privilege?
If So… Then When?
Now that you know what you want to experience this year, ask yourself, “Am I ready and willing to allow these experiences into my life this year? If so, when? Today? This week?”
Can you say “Hell, yes!” and mean it? Then ask yourself, “What do I need to do, change or rearrange to let this in?”
You may need to let go of old crusty beliefs and thoughts, like, “I can’t…” or “But that won’t work because…”
Or you may need to simply change your daily schedule.
So, tell me, what will you “let in” to your life this year? What will you allow yourself to have? I’m dying to know! Be brave and share what you want by leaving a comment below.