Summer is the perfect time to kick back, slow down, take a vacation and have some fun. After all, we’re into that lazy, crazy, hazy month of August, which means almost two-thirds of this year over! Can you believe it?
And while this is a good time for you to rest, relax and rejuvenate a bit, it is also a good time to reflect on what’s really working and what’s not in your business. Especially when it comes to how you are investing your time and energy on a regular basis.
What marketing or business activities are giving you the kind of results you want?
What tasks are paying off and helping you attract more clients, build your business and make more money?
And what activities or practices haven’t proven to be that lucrative or successful?
As entrepreneurs, we’re told to do a lot of different things to market our business. “Oh, you need to be blogging!” “Be sure in do Article Marketing to get more traffic and get leads.” “You gotta do a telesummit to build your email list.” “Don’t forget to be active on Facebook, LinkedIn and Pinterest!”
As a result, your focus and energy may be scattered all over the place! You’re doing A LOT! But are you getting a good return on your investment of time and energy? Is all that activity really paying off?
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Take some time this month to re-evaluate. Of all these things you are doing, what’s really working for you? What’s giving you the results you want? And what’s demanding a lot of your time but not paying off?
If there’s some activity that’s not giving you a good return on your investment of time and energy, dump it! Stop doing that thing and re-invest that same time and energy into the activities that are working for you!
Now, your return on investment may not be in the form of money. You could be getting value and rewards from those activities in other ways. If those rewards mean something to you, keep investing!
One disclaimer here: there are certain marketing and relationship building activities that do require a long-term investment before you start seeing real results. Blogging is one of those. Article marketing is another. So, you need to determine if you want to make that kind of long-term commitment to those activities.
AND.. you need to be sure you have a strategy for leveraging those activities into money-making products! But that’s a whole other enchilada.
So, use these next weeks in August to re-evaluate your marketing and business practices. Get tough! Demand results! Dump what’s not working and invest in what is.
If you’re having trouble deciding what should or shouldn’t make the cut, leave me a comment below this post and let me help you decide what should stay and what should go!